freelensing | november

today at lunch time the whole family was sitting around the table eating so i thought it would be nice to take turns telling what we are thankful for.  daddy went first and talked about his wonderful kids and wife.  big sister went next talking about the monkey bars at school and anna and elsa.  then it was brother’s turn.  he looked at me and said i am thankful for pictures of me and my sisters.  i should mention little dude is three.  i couldn’t believe he would say such a thing.  but he did.  and i think he meant it.  i hugged and kissed him.  and then i spoke.   i told my family that i was thankful for that exact moment with them and each and every moment that i get to spend with them. i know that sounds super cheesy but it is true.  no matter how hard life feels, i know how lucky i am to be able to bear witness to such beauty that lies in these simple moments at home with these brilliant little beings.

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up next is my sweet friend and ridiculously talented photographer Janielle of Lens & Beauty.