Category Archives: Legacy

in perfect unison

the water outside rises up towards us spilling in below our feet. it hammers down above us seeping in the cracks. yet i find us a warm, dry place to safely watch the storm. your cries, my shushing, and the pouring rain work together in perfect unison. i sway to this rhythm so instinctively that […]

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magic blue line

i had not planned to take your picture. there were one hundred and one other things i was supposed to be doing. thank goodness for that magical color changing line on your diaper. i placed you on the dresser ready to change you. but something cool happened. you stopped crying and actually opened your eyes. […]

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the light in this house

our first morning in the beach house was spent like most mornings at home. you slept straight through it. normally you would sleep the entire day away. but like magic the light in this house woke you and persuaded you to look around and see the beauty of this place. this place that each of […]

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but still

today i mourn the loss of summer vacation. bright and painfully early this morning, summer passed away. big sister started her first day of school and daddy’s paternity leave ended. i have been dreading this day for weeks. but instead of throwing a massive temper tantrum, i fastened the baby to my chest, poured myself […]

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