10 on 10 | January


it took about a year to get my little guy to take nice regular naps.  i spent so many hours walking around with him in the beco, or rocking him in a chair, or nursing him to sleep.  now at the age of two, he consistently sleeps for an hour and a half nap with very little assistance from me.  in the past year, there may have been two maybe three times when the nap never came.  this is one of those times.  we were staying with my in-laws in my husband’s childhood home.   after an hour of playing in the pack n play turned to screaming, i headed in and tried to calm him by placing him in the bed and lying down next to him.  once i realized that the nap was a lost cause, i grabbed my camera and captured him playing in the beautiful fading light of that winter afternoon.

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Please continue to follow the 10 on 10 blog circle by viewing the work of Bethany Petrik.

a normal day


On October 18th, my daughter was born and I became the mother of three children. Hundreds of miles away, on the same day, another baby girl was born and another woman added the third child to her family. We were complete strangers at that time, but our love of photography and family brought us together. We started to have a conversation about motherhood with images, because we tell stories with our cameras. Since some tales are so similar, and some are not, we decided to collaborate and share a photo a week from a normal day as a mother to three.

“Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.”     – Mary Jean Irion


I recently read a Huffington Post article about how having three children is the most stressful number for moms.  The article made sense to me.  It really is a juggling act.  If only I had three hands (or even better four!).  I was afraid that adding our third child to the mix would always mean that I would be leaving someone out.  And on top of this, I worried that my older two would resent the baby.  It turns out that parenting three is very stressful.  But, I am not so sure if it is any more stressful than two.  So far, I am not seeing any signs of resentment. Rather, they adore their baby sister immensely.  So, instead of having only two hands, I now have four little hands reaching out to help.

photo by Heather Robinson

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Some of my earliest memories involve my dad and his guitar. My love of music clearly comes from growing up in a house full of albums, college radio, and homemade jam sessions. It is so new to you to hear these sounds, but to me, it is so familiar. And it is so good.

photo by Olivia Gatti of Click Click Love

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a normal day


On October 18th, my daughter was born and I became the mother of three children. Hundreds of miles away, on the same day, another baby girl was born and another woman added the third child to her family. We were complete strangers at that time, but our love of photography and family brought us together. We started to have a conversation about motherhood with images, because we tell stories with our cameras. Since some tales are so similar, and some are not, we decided to collaborate and share a photo a week from a normal day as a mother to three.

“Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.”     – Mary Jean Irion


Yep, that’s right.  That is a potty seat sitting at our door.  It came out of the minivan just long enough to be cleaned.  When we are out and about, the last thing I want to do is drag all three kids in somewhere so big sister can use the restroom.

photo by Heather Robinson Photography

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Today at the roller rink I watched you cling to the walls for your first few loops, but when I skated out to see if you wanted my help, you said no. Not much later I found you in the middle of the rink, skating along without hanging on. I fought all my urges to go help you, and any time I did reach out to hold your hand, you pushed me away. I can’t help but always think of you as my baby. Today, I felt such a mix of pride and heartache at your independence and strength. And I was happy to go home with you at the end, when you were clearly so tired and ready to just be mine again.


photo by Olivia Gatti of Click Click Love

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a normal day


On October 18th, my daughter was born and I became the mother of three children. Hundreds of miles away, on the same day, another baby girl was born and another woman added the third child to her family. We were complete strangers at that time, but our love of photography and family brought us together. We started to have a conversation about motherhood with images, because we tell stories with our cameras. Since some tales are so similar, and some are not, we decided to collaborate and share a photo a week from a normal day as a mother to three.

“Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.”     – Mary Jean Irion


Merry Christmas


photo by Heather Robinson Photography

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photo by Olivia Gatti of Click Click Love

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